Together We Vote - Joint project on why we must vote
The 200th anniversaries of Maine and Alabama triggered excitement about a way to share the bicentennials. What emerged was the Together We Vote project. Organizers collected 200 interviews, divided equally in Maine and Alabama (100 in each state) with people presenting their thoughts on the importance of voting. The majority of people felt voting is essential, citizen participation in the political process. However, organizers respected and included dissenting opinions from people who oppose voting.
This video captures the spirit of the Together We Vote project. It was a two-year experience that engaged citizens in South Berwick, Maine and their counterparts in Tuskegee, Alabama. Selected interviews were included in the video. All 200 statements are published in a book, entitled Together We Vote. This idea grew out of the sister city relationship formed by South Berwick and Tuskegee in 2017.
This video originally aired in September 2020. It was uploaded to this Youtube channel in February 2021.